Faculty of History and Social Affairs

University Structures Departments Faculty of History and Social Affairs

Faculty of History and Social Affairs

Адрес 21 I. Razzakov avenue, Osh city
Телефон 0(3222)8-48-22
Веб-сайт http://history.oshsu.kg
E-mail Sarstanov@oshsu.kg

Established in 1939, the Faculty of History at Osh State University carries with it a rich and diverse history, mirroring the evolving educational landscape in Kyrgyzstan. Through decades of changes and adaptations, this faculty has remained dedicated to its mission of nurturing a deep understanding of history and preparing students to navigate the challenges of the modern world.

A Journey Through Time:

The history of the Faculty of History at Osh State University is closely intertwined with the development of higher education in the region. Its roots can be traced back to its establishment in 1939, as part of the Osh Teachers' Institute, making it the same age as the university itself. This historical legacy underscores the faculty's importance in shaping the intellectual landscape of Osh and the surrounding areas.

Educational Evolution:

Over the years, the faculty has undergone various transformations in response to shifting educational priorities. In 1951, with the creation of the Osh State Pedagogical Institute, the specialty of history was temporarily closed. However, recognizing the significance of history education, the training of history teachers was resumed in 1960 under the umbrella of the Faculty of History and Philology. In 1964, the Faculty of History was officially established. Sadly, it was closed in 1969 for political reasons, and students were transferred to the Kyrgyz State University in Frunze (now Bishkek).

The demand for history education persisted, and in 1985, the specialty of history was renewed at OshSPI. As of 1988, the department gained independent faculty status. In 1992, when Osh State Pedagogical Institute underwent a transformation into Osh State University, the Faculty of History evolved into the Faculty of History and Law, reflecting the broader academic scope it encompassed.

Adaptability and Resilience:

From 2006 to 2014, the faculty underwent several changes, functioning under different names such as historical-philosophical, historical-legal, and historical. In 2019, it was restructured into the Faculty of Oriental Studies and History, recognizing the importance of understanding the broader global context and embracing the study of oriental cultures and history.


Mission and Objectives:

The mission of the Faculty of History at Osh State University is to educate highly qualified, competitive specialists. The faculty strives to impart knowledge and skills that prepare students to address contemporary challenges while being deeply rooted in historical understanding.


The goal of the faculty is to produce modern pedagogical specialists who are equipped to thrive in a world undergoing rapid globalization and transformation. This objective reflects the faculty's commitment to ensuring that its graduates are not only knowledgeable but also adaptable to the evolving demands of society.


The objectives of the faculty are to establish itself as a recognized center for the training of competitive, accomplished professionals, both nationally and internationally. It aims to foster a creative attitude towards life, learning, and work in its students, nurturing the next generation of critical thinkers and problem solvers.

In conclusion, the Faculty of History at Osh State University is not just a place of historical exploration but a vital institution that prepares students for the future. Its resilience in the face of challenges and its ability to adapt to the changing educational landscape is a testament to its commitment to excellence. This faculty serves as a guardian of the past, a guide to the present, and a beacon of hope for the future, making it a cornerstone of Osh State University's academic legacy.  


Name of specialties of the degree

of the degree

Form of study

Duration of study


Socio-economic education (profile history)

bachelor degree


Full-time, distance

4, 5 years



2 years


Oriental and African Studies

bachelor degree



4 years



2 years


Documentation support of management

bachelor degree



4 years



